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7 min - Young love can be a confusing thing. Hormones are racing, your body&rsquo_s changing, and there&rsquo_s pressure from the world around you to pair off.
7 min - Elder Campbell awoke from his bed with a start. He was dreaming about Bishop Hart again and didn&rsquo_t know how to handle it.
7 min - Elder Campbell stood before the handsome President Lee, completely naked save for the ceremonial shield he was given
7 min - Bishop Hart has a particular way of doing things. And the brethren make allowances for his particular methods given his position of authority in the sacred order.
7 min - Elder Campbell had fantasized about Bishop Hart for so long, he&rsquo_d become a powerful and commanding force in his life well before they&rsquo_d ever had sex.
7 min - President Lee was highly impressed with Elder Campbell&rsquo_s performance on the priesthood stretcher.
7 min - Bishop Hart sat on the arm of the temple altar bed, waiting patiently for Elder Campbell to arrive.
7 min - Having been Ordained by the Order, Elder Campbell felt an intense sense of belonging.